En14399-3 Grade10 Black Hex Nut with Hr is usually used with a bolt and a washer, En14399-3 has several types such as: En14399-3 En14399-4 En14399-5 En14399-6. En14399 is also DIN6914, Bolt and nut gaskets are used in combination. En14399-3 Grade10 Hex Nut with Hr is usually black. Bolts, nuts and gaskets have hr or hv.
En14399-3 Grade10 Black Hex Nut with Hr is Carbon Steel nuts, En14399-3 Grade10 Black Hex Nut with Hr without a finish are weldable and ready to be painted or finished. Black-oxide steel nuts have a dark surface color and are mildly corrosion resistant in dry environments. Hot-dipped galvanized En14399-3 Grade10 Black Hex Nut with Hr have a thick coating for good corrosion resistance. They must be used with other hot-dipped galvanized fasteners. The hardness of 10hr allows the En14399-3 Grade10 Black Hex Nut with Hr to withstand some extreme and special industrial conditions. They are most commonly used in construction and engineering applications and paired with heavy hex (structural) bolts.